Image of La Llosa Roman Villa Image of La Llosa Roman Villa

An archaeological site that can be visited alongside the western esplanade, at the site where a Roman villa was built 2,000 years ago. Excavations were started in 1980 by Cambrils Town Council and the government of Catalonia, which revealed the oldest part near the Via Augusta and the noble part of the villa near the sea. It is in this last area where the set of bronzes of La Llosa were discovered in 1992; these bronzes are now on display at the Cambrils History Museum in Molí de les Tres Eres.

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During the whole year, the Villa can be visited at weekends, except for July and August, which runs from Tuesday to Sunday. A virtual reconstruction showing the villa’s evolution can also be seen at the entrance cabin.

Last update: 10/04/2024