Image of Terracotta Pottery Museum Image of Terracotta Pottery Museum

Terracotta Pottery Museum

Pottery has been, and still is, the most important activity carried out in La Bisbal d’Empordà. The pottery industry created one of the main economic engines of the city, and provided (and still provides) work to a significant percentage of the local population. This activity has a tradition that stretches back over several centuries; the first documented account of pottery in La Bisbal is a notation from 1511. From the beginning, this industry has created an important cultural heritage over the years.

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The museum aims to preserve, conserve and display this material and the cultural heritage linked to Bisbal pottery, as well as proposing an interpretation of the socio-economic system created by the industry; a social model that has historically led to a specific cultural patterns. The museum aims to show visitors the unique industrialisation process that resulted from the industry. In this sense, the Terracotta Museum represents the pottery industry in La Bisbal d'Empordà and the Girona region; the museum is, without a doubt, the most important cultural heritage of the town.

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Last update: 10/04/2024