Image of Seró. A Place that Transmits Image of Seró. A Place that Transmits

The sculptures from Seró are unique among megaliths, and are considered to be one of the most significant groups of these stones to have come down to us from the period which spans the Neolithic to the Chalcolithic. It is a set of seven spectacular slabs decorated with human shapes, and was part of an original ritual site that has been dated to some time before the third millennium BC. This site was later destroyed and its menhirs were reused in the building of a megalithic tomb.

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The Seró Centre - A Space that Transmits, invites visitors to have a closer look at how the prehistoric communities of the valley of the Segre lived by examining their often elaborate funeral rituals, in a museum environment based in a unique architectural space which reflects a deep understanding of the environment and is totally integrated in its surroundings. The Seró Centre building was honoured with the Foment de les Arts i del Disseny (FAD) award for architecture in 2013.

Last update: 10/04/2024