Image of Balldovina Tower Museum Image of Balldovina Tower Museum

In 1986, the city council created the municipal museum in the Balldovina Tower, from which it takes its name. The Museum was inaugurated in 1987.
\ The Balldovina Tower Museum is a local multidisciplinary museum responsible for protecting, preserving, studying and disseminating the cultural and natural heritage of Santa Coloma de Gramenet. With the desire to offer a service to all citizens of Santa Coloma, it collaborates with the public and private entities that together foster the cultural and civic life of the city.
\ The Museum both houses collections that form part of the city’s history and strives to safeguard the monumental heritage of Santa Coloma preserved in situ. Of special note is themajor collection devoted to the Iberian world linked to the Puig Castellar Settlement.
\ The principal exhibition, ‘Santa Coloma: the mountain, the river, the city’, constitutes a journey into local history, from the time of the Iberian settlement at Puig Castellar down to the present day.

Last update: 10/04/2024