Image of Tossa de Mar Municipal Museum Image of Tossa de Mar Municipal Museum

Tossa de Mar Municipal Museum

The Tossa de Mar Municipal Museum is currently closed for works.

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The Tossa de Mar Municipal Museum is located in the Old Town. Since it was founded in 1935, it has been located in the most noble building in the town: the Palau del Batlle de Sac.

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The Museum was founded with the aim of showing the works of art created by the artists who came to stay in Tossa due to the surrounding landscapes, which have always attracted painters. During the inter-war period, artists arrived in Tossa from around Europe, including Olga Sacharoff. But during the early 1930s, Tossa was home to many different artists. Most were German artists of Jewish descent, who already sensed the horror that was to come following the first anti-Semitic decrees.  Marc Chagall, André Masson, Jean Metzinger, Georges Kars, and many others established themselves in Tossa. They produced some avant-garde work never seen before. It was such an eclectic period that Rafael Benet called Tossa the "Babel of the Arts".

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Following this period, a group of prominent town citizens thought it would be interesting to show the work of the artists staying in Tossa at the time. It was arranged, and the Palau del Batlle de Sac was chosen as the location for the exhibition, inaugurated on 1 September 1935, as the Tossa de Mar Municipal Museum.

Last update: 10/04/2024