Image of Terrassa Museum Image of Terrassa Museum

Terrassa Museum

The Terrassa Museum is comprised of spaces, elements and collections related to the cultural heritage of Terrassa.
\ The main part is in the Castell Cartoixa de Vallparadís. The other sections are the Seu d’Ègara - Churches of Sant Pere, Casa Alegre de Sagrera, the Torre del Palau and the Centre d’Interpretació de la Vila Medieval de Terrassa and the cloister of the Monastery of Sant Francesc.
\ The Museum places special emphasis on archaeology and the recovery and dissemination of the local and regional historical and artistic heritage, focusing on changes to the land and the human occupation of Terrassa and its surrounding area from its origins to the present day.
\ Over 26,000 items constitute the Museum’s collections, the largest of which are those of art, archaeology and the decorative arts.

Last update: 10/04/2024