Image of Archaeology Museum of Catalonia - Empúries Image of Archaeology Museum of Catalonia - Empúries

Archaeology Museum of Catalonia - Empúries

The ruins of Empúries, the most important Greco-Roman archaeological site in Catalonia, lie facing the Mediterranean Sea in an exceptionally beautiful natural location. The town’s streets, temples and squares, which are over 2,000 years old, conserve the legacy of the ancient Iberian, Greek and Roman civilisations that coexisted there. Empúries offers a privileged, peerless glimpse into our past, as well as a unique chance to learn first-hand about the culture, history and art of our ancestors.
\ The branch of the Archaeology Museum of Catalonia in Empúries (MAC-Empúries) strives to offer visitors a thrilling, enriching experience in direct contact with the archaeological remains there. A visit to the Greek city – the only one still conserved in the Iberian Peninsula – and the Roman city are complemented by a tour through the museum, which showcases representative objectives from the history of the site that have been uncovered in the more than 100 years of excavations in Empúries.

Last update: 14/05/2024